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Naming arrested criminals ESN operatives unprofessional – IPOB tackles Nigerian Army
By on July 9th, 2024. News

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The Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, has tackled the Nigerian Army for tagging every criminal arrested in the Southeast as an operative of the Eastern Security Network, ESN.


Emma Powerful, the spokesman of IPOB, in a statement, refuted claims by the Nigerian Army that they invaded ESN camp and captured its commanders in Orlu and Okigwe LGAs of Imo State.

According to Powerful: “We have repeatedly cautioned the Nigerian military to call the criminals they capture by their names. It’s very unprofessional for the Nigerian military to tag every criminal element captured on IPOB as ESN just for media blackmail against IPOB and propaganda to continue their criminal activities.

“ESN Operatives are right inside Biafra bushes and forests dislodging, marauding Fulani terrorists masquerading as herdsmen for the safety of our farmers and farmlands, particularly during the farming season.

“We know that the Nigerian military and their sister security agencies want to destroy ESN in order to pave the way for the Fulani terrorists to destroy our farmlands, but that will not happen. We advise the Nigerian government and her security agencies to desist from linking ESN and IPOB volunteers to their sponsored criminal elements who were kidnapping and snatching people’s properties in the name of the Biafra struggle.

“Repeatedly, IPOB has disassociated from these government-sponsored criminals terrorising Okigwe and Orlu communities in Imo State. The Nigerian government and her security agencies cannot claim ignorance of those criminals.”

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God'swill Ofigo

Nigeria Blogger / Social Media Promoter/ Talent Manager/ Entertainer/ CEO OfyNaija Blog. WhatsApp: 0904709861

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